Before you post on instagram next DO THIS!

I am constantly amazed at the number of clients I begin working with who have been 'doing' social media for a few years. They've developed a decent following on Facebook and Instagram and they're posting (semi) regularly. Then we dive into the nitty gritty and I'm absolutely gobsmacked that they haven't switched their account to a business instagram account! 

How do you know if your account has been switched over? 

Well, the simplest way is to see if you have a little graph when you click into your profile:



This little icon takes you into a page that gives some really handy stats quick-smart. Now, keep in mind they are just high level and for the past week but the stats I love looking at are the movement from the previous week. You can see below there is a +3,940 from last week. It also tells you how many website clicks you've had, how many call clicks and how many profile views. 



What I REALLY love is the ability to see when your followers are most active. It's super handy to use this to plan when you are going to post so the most people see your content. 


Not seeing any of this info in your profile? No worries - it's super easy to fix! Just head to settings and select 'switch to business account' (it's free!) and you'll be lead through the set up process. 

Happy instagramming!!

P.S. I share oodles of tips like this in my free marketing guide. Just sayin'!


Just starting out? Tick these marketing tips off your to do list


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