
The one question to ask before you make a big business move

When you’ve decided to make a change in your business, it can be tempting to dive in feet-first, and to give it everything you’ve got.

And while I’m a big fan of taking massive action, there’s one question I see business owners forgetting to ask before they start making moves.


In today’s episode, I’m going to share how asking yourself those four words regularly can save you time, money and frustration – AND, how they can help you clarify your thinking around the actions you need to take to make your goals happen.

Business owners usually fall into one of two camps: visionaries or implementors.

Speaking for myself and my network of business owners, we’re usually the big-picture thinkers, and we build a team of implementers below us.

This is great, but it does mean that we can mean that we get carried away with the enthusiasm of a new project without being intentional about what we hope to achieve – and which course of action makes the most sense.

By asking “what is my objective?” you can bypass a lot of the faffing that naturally occurs when you’re in the brainstorming phase.

And it makes sense, when you come at it from a digital marketing perspective. The very first thing we do when we create an ad set or an organic content plan is to identify the objective, as this informs what type of ad we select, the images we use, and even the copy we write.

So why not do the same with big business decisions, too?

If your objective is to get more clients in the door, you’ll send them to your bookings page – not your ‘about us’ page.

If your objective is to be considered the experts in your field, you’ll spend more time on educational content that positions you as an authority – and you might want to put more ad spend towards LinkedIn and YouTube than other platforms.

For me personally, I knew it was going to dilute my messaging if I tried to run an agency AND offer workshops, a podcast and courses from one place.

Don’t get me wrong, there are other agencies out there who do it (with varying degrees of success), but for MY business? The agency side has a very different target demographic to my training side, so the natural solution was to split the two.

Each side of my business has a clear objective, which drives how I spend my time and how I position each side of the business.

Where are you diluting YOUR message and confusing your clients?

Are you offering too many different services?

Are you doing what I told you NOT to do last week, and running brand awareness ads when what you REALLY want is conversions?

Are you expanding your offering to include things you don’t love doing, but feel like you HAVE to offer… because everyone else is doing it? 

When you’re clear on your objective, your business has room to breathe and to grow – because you’re not chasing the next shiny thing all the time.

This is really important if you’re investing heavily into advertising, equipment or training. Taking the time to identify your objectives for the next quarter, year, 5 years and also when it comes to the legacy you want to leave, could be the thing that changes your business – for the better.

So there you have it. Another quick episode for you, but I hope it’s given you a bit of food for thought!

Something I’ve committed to in 2023, which meets my objective of helping more business owners, is to host in person workshops that cover the topics YOU want to learn more about.

I’d love to hear where you’re located, and what you’re struggling with – this helps me know where to go and what to teach! Reach out via the Kiss Marketing socials, or shoot me an email to hello@kissmarketing.com.au